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Hope’s Dream: a Poem by Jody Seymour

by | Feb 22, 2024

I rest beside despair
seeking a time to
shed my light into
the dark recess
of questions whose
answers seem empty

I am “Hope” and
my name is echoed
in times past
when the soul’s
sense of reason
appeared to have
no peace to offer
your restless spirit

I know your name
and I am the friend
you thought lost
to life’s constant
cry of futility
that is often not
as real as your
dim vision
thinks so

Feel the beat of my
full heart that is
as close as your
next breath
I always wait to
arise as the sun
for the dawning
of hope when
you think there
is none to have

So in this moment close
your eyes and know
I am there
My knowing of you
is deep with
a love that will
not leave when
doubt wishes to
take you away
from me

I am “Hope” and
I am present in
moments when life
seems to unravel
and tear
It is then that
my healing is
meant for you

Lean into me and
know I am

Dr. Jody Seymour

Jody Seymour retired after serving Davidson United Methodist Church as Senior Pastor for 13 years and being a pastor for forty-six years in the Western North Carolina Conference. He is the author of six books and resides just outside of Davidson with his wife, Betsy.

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