Town Planning Department News & Updates: February 2024
Davidson Community Members,
This is the latest installment of the Planning Department “eCrier,” a message highlighting various plans, projects, and events currently or soon-to-be underway. Below you’ll find a list and short description of things that we’re working on, along with how to find additional information about each topic. We hope you find this information useful. If you want to follow up with us about any questions you may have, please do so – our contact information is available on our department’s homepage, which also contains this same list of information mid-way down the first page. Check back from time to time for updates.
– Town of Davidson Planning Department
February 26, 2024: Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight’s Board of Adjustment hearing for 514 Walnut Street has been canceled.
For further information, please visit https://www.townofdavidson.
Development Project Update
Summit Farms Conditional Master Plan: Since the Davidson Board of Commissioners approval of the proposed Conditional Master Plan in August, the project received two additional approvals: 1. Approval of the project’s affordable housing plan by the Board of Commissioners in September; 2. Approval of the Conditional Master Plan by Town of Davidson and Mecklenburg County staff in October, following further technical reviews. Next steps for the project include review and approval of the plan by Charlotte Water as well as review and approval of the project’s buildings by the Design Review Board. To view the plan and further information please see the project webpage.
River Run Ph. 6 Master Plan: In October, Town of Davidson and Mecklenburg County staff approved the proposed Master Plan. The approval includes the construction of 89 residential units, including 16 Attached House units and eight Detached House – Duplex units. Additionally, the plan proposes vehicular and pedestrian improvements to Shearer Road; multi-use path and trail connectivity throughout the site; the preservation of views, rock outcroppings, and trees as identified on the plan; and a neighborhood park. To view the plan and further information please see the project webpage.
River Run Swim & Racket Club: Site changes at the River Run Swim & Racquet Club located at 18801 Greyton Ln were approved by Mecklenburg County and the Town in October. Construction is underway on new pickleball courts, additional parking, and changes within the existing parking lot at the River Run Swim and Racquet Clubhouse. To view the plan and further information please see the project webpage.
Historic Preservation
Local Historic District Design Standards Update: The Davidson Historic Preservation Plan, adopted by the Board of Commissioners in January 2023, recommends that the town update the Davidson Local Historic District Design Standards. These standards provide guidance for alteration, restoration, new construction, additions, relocation, or demolition affecting properties in the local historic district. The current Davidson Historic District Design Standards were drafted in 2009. With new development practices and the potential expansion of existing local historic districts, amendments to the existing standards are needed. The goal of the project is to create an updated, user-friendly document that is rich in content and illustrations. The town is excited to announce that architecture & planning firm Frazier Associates out of Staunton, Virginia was selected to complete our design standards update. Frazier Associates’ team visited Davidson on October 18-19 to tour our historic districts and meet with stakeholders including the Historic Preservation Commission. Be on the lookout for updates in the coming months. To see if your property is located within a historic district, check out the interactive map available at