Time to Vote, Again

A compilation of the 12 designs that are up for vote.
Voting Again?
This isn’t about voting for elected officials, it is about selecting the best design for this year’s Main Street Books t-shirt and tote.
Vote for your favorite
Help us select the next Main Street Books t-shirt and tote design.
Our panel of judges has narrowed the contest to 12 entries. Choose your favorite design and encourage your bookish friends to vote, too.
The Selection Process
- Community voting will take place March 20 – 27, 2024.
- Voting ends on Wednesday, March 27 at 12 noon!
- A panel of Main Street Books staff judges will make the final selection.
- The winner will be announced in early April 2024 in our newsletter, on our website, and our Instagram account @mainstreetbooksdavidson.
The Prize
The winning designer will receive a:
- a $100 Main Street Books Gift Card,
- a free t-shirt with their winning design,
- a celebration event at Bandit Print House in Davidson to screen print their design! Vote for your friends and maybe you’ll be at the party, too.
You can use this link as well.