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Spring Convocation Celebrates Joy, Excellence, Achievement

by | Apr 15, 2024

“Convocation is not just about achievement, it also highlights the kindness, compassion and empathy that defines our campus.” –Daisy Hoover ’24, Class of 2024 President

Author: Mary Elizabeth DeAngelis, Photos: Christopher Record, Kaspars Golos ’27

There’s a political science and theatre double major whose “utter joy” in describing a Shakespeare performance lights up her face — and the room — delighting professors, classmates and castmates into believing such joy can indeed be contagious.

Alex Heffner ‘24, winner of the Tommy Peters Award for his talents on Davidson College’s Golf Team

A biology major heading to Harvard Medical School after graduation “has an intense curiosity for the secrets of life,” and has devoted countless hours to researching pancreatic cancer markers.

A student who double majors in computer science and art created an extensive portfolio with “a riot of color and pattern … that inspires us all to play a little more seriously.”

Two graduating athletes, the college’s leading golfer of all time, and a “legendary” women’s volleyball player, led their teams and conferences, breaking college records and exemplifying true sportsmanship.

These are just a few of the Davidson College students who brighten the college — and their communities. On April 11, Davidson honored them and others during the college’s annual Spring Convocation.

From the aspiring musicians, mathematicians and military leaders to the environmentalists, economists and sociologists, convocation celebrates talent and hard work, innovation and perseverance, character and leadership.

The ceremony also recognizes new honor society members, post-graduate international fellowship and scholarship recipients; and staff and faculty members who contribute to students’ success.

Those honored demonstrate a commitment to making their world smarter, kinder and healthier, more understanding and peaceful, and less divisive. They volunteer on campus, in hospitals, at elementary schools and many other places that need them.

For the class of 2024, convocation serves as a prelude for their May 12 commencement ceremony. It’s a fun, festive ceremony, and raucous supporters cheered enthusiastically for award winners in all categories. Graduating students also took a moment to cheer and thank their professors.

“You have learned how to learn, how to discover your world and how to make a huge difference in it,” President Doug Hicks ’90 said. “I can’t think of a time when our world needs you more for leadership and service.”

Rev. Julia Watkins ’14, serving her first year as the college’s chaplain and director of religious and spiritual life, offered her first Spring Convocation invocation. She spoke of the journey that brought students to Davidson, and the many roads they will take when they leave.

These journeys have not been solitary.

“We have not come here alone but in the good company of family, friends, faculty, staff and mentors,” Watkins said. “Thank you for those who have come alongside us to help carry the load and light the way. Thank you for the relationships we have received and nurtured in this place. Thank you for the wider Davidson community to which we forever belong.”

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