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Seeds of Hope: a Poem by Jody Seymour

by | Apr 16, 2024

Scattered by some wind
that seems to blow
from the edge of grace
they fall upon our
places of waiting…
seeds of hope

Not earned by any
effort of will
they simply are…
Their source matters not
Our dry spirits are
tired from a journey
that is in need of a place
of rest and surprise

In this moment notice
their small presence
They come in the
arid times when
our dry spirits
long simply to see
what might be
new beginnings

Seeds of hope…
Allow them to be
planted in your
field of life so
often cluttered with
weeds of wrong choices

Hope’s small flowers
can grow large
for those who will
see that a power
from beyond
really cares…
seeds of hope

Dr. Jody Seymour

Jody Seymour retired after serving Davidson United Methodist Church as Senior Pastor for 13 years and being a pastor for forty-six years in the Western North Carolina Conference. He is the author of six books and resides just outside of Davidson with his wife, Betsy.

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