Town of Davidson Celebrates National Bike Month in May
The Town of Davidson invites residents and members of the greater community to participate in events designed as part of May being designated as National Bike Month.
Bike or Walk to Town Day and Bike Expo: Saturday, May 4:
Enjoy the Lake Norman Bike Expo, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., on the Davidson Town Green in conjunction with Town Day.
National Bike or Walk to School Day: Wednesday, May 8:
Please note locations start gathering at 7:45 a.m. – be sure to check with your school for specific details.
National Bike to Work Week: May 13-19:
Please consider riding your bike to work this week. Some employers are offering incentives – check with your human resources department for details. The Town of Davidson encourages all citizens to ride their bicycles to work, to school, to the store, to the park, and to all destinations throughout the month of May.
Davidson Bike Month volunteer opportunities are at this link:
The Lake Norman Bike Expo event will take place from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on the Town Green during Davidson’s Annual Town Day on May 4. Bike demos from area bike shops, educational opportunities regarding bike safety and maintenance, and information about the best places to ride your bike in the Lake Norman/North Mecklenburg region will be provided at the Expo. Learn about Davidson’s participation in the pedestrian and bicyclist safety campaign, Watch for Me NC, as well as the Vision Zero Initiative. See the Davidson Parks and Recreation solar-electric E.L.F. bike and Police Recon Inceptor electric all-terrain bike on display. The Town of Cornelius will have information on new greenways that are currently under development, information on recreational programming and Heads Up Cornelius safety campaign, and greenway maps.
Join the Community Ride, a 10-mile leisurely guided ride on May 4 through Davidson that will start at 10:30 a.m. from the Town Green. Anyone age 14 and older is welcome to participate, helmets are required, and a bike with gears is recommended. Participants ages 14 – 17 must be accompanied by an adult. Families with younger children wishing to ride should attend the Family Bike Ride beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Students from around the country will choose to participate in Bike/Walk to School Day on Wednesday, May 8. Between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m. Town of Davidson staff, members of the Davidson Police Department, and community volunteers will be at key intersections including the Town Green, Roosevelt Wilson Park, and the Kinkaid Trail Greenway at Avinger Lane to ensure proper safety measures are in place and provide support for students walking/riding to Davidson K8 and the Community School of Davidson (CSD).
For questions and additional information, please contact the Davidson Parks and Recreation Department via email or by calling 704-892-3349 or visit the website to learn more about the Town of Davidson Bike Month.