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Calling All Coaches and Parents of Athletes

by | Aug 5, 2024


Youth sports are common in our community. And playing isn’t just about winning or losing, they are about having fun and staying healthy. Young athletes learn how to work as a team, deal with challenges, and respect themselves and others.

At the same time, approximately one in four of our young people is experiencing a diagnosable mental illness right now. For young athletes, the pressure for perfection is an added weight to the unhealthy pressure so many already face.

That’s why Davidson LifeLine along with Davidson Turkey Trot and Students Offering Smiles are co-sponsoring a viewing of Not Good Enough, a compelling documentary highlighting young athletes and the toll perfectionism takes on mental health. The documentary was produced and created by the Kansas City Royals and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City.

If you are an athlete’s coach or parent, you won’t want to miss this. And if you’re near Davidson, join us August 22, 6:30-8:00 pm where we’ll view the film and hear reflections from Chris Willis, Head Women’s Volleyball Coach Davidson College, and former college athlete John Brunelle, Ph.D., licensed psychologist (clinical and sport psychology). There will be a question and answer session at the end of the evening.

Register here:…/not-good-enough….

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