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The Importance of Biodiversity

by | Aug 9, 2024

Biodiversity within an ecosystem is an extremely important aspect contributing to the overall health of a forest. Right now, 75 % of the Town of Davidson’s street tree canopy is comprised of Oaks, Maples, and Elms, creating a monoculture within our urban forest canopy.

A monoculture, or growth of a single type of species in an area, can cause local organisms to become vulnerable to pests and diseases. Currently, our monocultured environment has led to maples with black bark, oaks with worms, and elms with boring holes. Once one tree becomes infected with pests, disease, or insects, it will spread rapidly across the same species. Without the presence of diverse organisms to create barriers between like species, we begin to experience mass infestations leading to mass losses.

To prevent future mass loss, and combat the monoculture issue, our current goal is to allow the infected tress to succumb to their many health problems. Afterwards, we will create a more diverse ecosystem by replanting the area with multiple species of trees, similar in growth habit, growth structure, and fall foliage color, leading to a healthier and more sustainable urban forest canopy. 

Use this TreesCharlotte Biodiversity Worksheet to calculate the biodiversity in your neighborhood.

For more information about trees, or questions for the Town Arborist, visit Town of Davidson | Arborist.

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