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This Week at DFM: August 17, 2024

by | Aug 15, 2024

Prime Market

August 17, 2024

9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Rain or Shine! No pets please.

Shopping starts at the ringing of the market bell.

Hello Market Shoppers,

Come out and join us for a beautiful Market day this Saturday. Not only will the sky be full of sunshine (and warm temps), but our vendors’ tables will be loaded with delicious seasonal and hand-crafted foods – grown, produced, raised and made within a 100 mile radius of Davidson.

Because we are a producer only Market, our vendors only bring what they grow and make themselves. Some Markets allow vendors to re-sell products which means they may buy items from another farmer or source and sell it as their own. Not here. We visit all of our vendors to be sure they are growing what’s coming to Market and that they are baking and making the items they are bringing to Market. So as a shopper, feel confident that what you see on the vendors’ tables every Saturday morning are fresh and local products!

If you ask a Davidson Farmers Market farmer, “Where did this watermelon come from?” The response will be, “My farm!” And likely, if you ask, “When was this harvested?” The response will be, “Yesterday” or “last night” or even, “This morning.” You won’t hear that at the grocery stores!

Shopping the Market tastes better and is better for you! And it helps support our local farmers and producers.

Recipes of the Week

Peach Chutney, Food+Wine

Crispy Smashed Potatoes, RecipeTinEats

Roasted Summer Squash, SpendwithPennies

Crispy Indian Okra, MyHeartBeets

As always, please wait to shop until you hear the red market bell ring at 9 am!


Market Manager


August 17, 2024 at the DFM

Remember, we’ll have 42 vendors Saturday, and you won’t want to miss any of them!

Can’t find a vendor? Have questions? Suggestions?

Find our volunteers + staff at the red market tent, near the playground!

Aug. 17

Music with Lady May + Redd

Aug. 24

Music with Under the Tree


Master Gardeners are back

Aug. 31

Music with Jared Evans


Reminder – The Davidson Farmers Market vendors are happy to accept Snap/EBT.  When you Snap We Match!  Let Us Double Your SNAP dollars, up to $50!  For more information on the SNAP/ Double Bucks program please go to the DFM Market tent.

  • “Spring Egg Coupons” are now available for all DFM SNAP users. For more information on the SNAP/ Double Bucks program and the Spring Egg coupons, please go to the DFM Market tent.


Give the Gift of DFM

The Davidson Farmers Market is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and our operations would not be possible without the generous support of our donors, sponsors, and volunteers.

The season of giving is upon us, and we hope you will consider DFM as you make your year-end gifts. Your support enables the market to thrive, attracting an average of 1,600 shoppers every week. When you shop at DFM, you not only support thirty-nine amazing local producers who come from within a 100-mile radius of our community, and represent over 1,100 acres in surrounding counties, you also:

  • Stimulate our local economy and aid in the preservation of farmland
  • Create opportunities for business incubation and micro-enterprise for farmers & vendors
  • Strengthen our local food system while reducing the carbon footprint
  • Foster social interaction among an economically, racially, and ethnically diverse shopper base

To make a tax deductible contribution, visit our secure online gift form or mail a check to PO Box 2534, Davidson NC 28036

Thank you!

Like we always say, the DFM could not happen without the support of our community!

  • Thank you DFM Vendors for providing a bounty of fresh and healthy local products
  • Thank you DFM Sponsors for your financial support
  • Thank you DFM Green Team who volunteer their time, passion and energy
  • Thank you DFM Musicians for beautiful market music
  • Thank you Town of Davidson for providing a clean and centric location for the market
  • Thank you Individual Donors – your support helps the market’s mission
  • Thank you Shoppers for shopping the market for your local goods

All of you help sustain DFM as a vibrant community gathering place and source for healthy, locally grown produce and products.

To make a donation, visit our secure, online gift form or mail a check to PO Box 2534, Davidson, NC 28036. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you!


DFM History 

It has been 16 years since a small group of Davidson citizens decided we needed a Farmers Market. I doubt even the most ardent fan of markets or the most optimistic could have imagined the Market we have today. With close to 40 vendors, an average of 1800 shoppers a week and strong community support we set a high standard for what a local, producer only market should look like. Saturday mornings are a cacophony of sights and sounds and smells and I delight in finding a few minutes to sit and take it all in. I love to watch the families introducing their children to fresh fruits and vegetables and piling carriages high with flowers or seeing a small hand reach up to touch a brightly colored pepper. I listen to vendors answering questions about how to best prepare okra or explaining about different types of mushrooms. Our vendors are passionate about their product because they produce it themselves and despite long lines and hot sun, they always seem pleased to be at the Market. It feels so good to see people listening to the music and placing tips in the can, and sometimes singing along. Maybe you are part of a group or a club or a team that would like to come out and help set up and enjoy the perks of fellowship and early bird shopping.

So come to shop or volunteer or both, and take some time to let all the special parts of the Market really sink in. It’s worth the time!

DFM “Need to Knows”

Shopping starts at the ringing of the market bell.  No entrance to market area prior to bell.

Payment: Most vendors accept cash and credit cards.

Parking: You can find public parking along Main Street, Jackson Street, the Davidson Presbyterian Church parking lot at the corner of Depot & Jackson Streets.  All of which are just a short walk form a Market entrance. Editor’s Note: just don’t park in the CVS lot.

Davidson Farmers Market partners with a local food pantry, Hearts and Hands.  Each week the DFM offers a donation bin for the DFM Community to drop their donations.  The bin is located at the DFM Market Tent.

No pets: While we all love to have dogs around town, the Davidson Farmers Market is a dog & pet free Market. Pets are not permitted within the Market grounds. As always, service animals are welcome.

Questions: Look for the DFM Market Tent or [email protected]






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