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Davidson College Handles Move-In With Care

by | Aug 22, 2024

Wednesday Davidson College rolled out the welcome for members of the Class of 2028.

Author: Mary Elizabeth DeAngelis

The rites of late summer returned to Davidson College on Wednesday as new students and their families descended on campus for move-in day.

Their families pulled up their cars, trucks and vans to find helpers greeting them with cheers, music and signs.

Students and staff members who welcomed families in Baker parking lot.

“Happy Move-In Day!” one sparkly handwritten poster said, as another emphasized, “We’re so excited you’re here.”

College staffers, orientation team members and other returning students, including scholar athletes and their coaches, unloaded the vehicles and carried the stuff of modern residence hall life up flights of stairs and into rooms.

They toted lacrosse sticks, musical instruments and headboards; laundry baskets crammed with sheets and towels; and big plastic boxes filled with detergent, disinfectant wipes (moms insisted) — and toiletries.

President Doug Hicks ’90 took an early shift, chatting with students and families as he carried their things to their new college home. Cheer team members became adept at gracefully balancing mini refrigerators through stairwells.

License plates represented a diverse American geography, from New York to Florida; Louisiana to Illinois; North Carolina to Ohio. That’s in addition to students whose journeys included airplanes coming from the furthest points of the United States and around the world.

The Griffin family drove 11 ½ hours from Bethalto, Illinois, to bring Brice ’28 to Davidson, where he’s a member of the wrestling team. Jill Griffin, his mom, marveled at the number of volunteers making the move-in easy and them feel welcome.

“This has been a great experience. It’s such a beautiful campus and everyone has been so kind,” she said. “I love Davidson. I’m so excited for him — but sad for me — he’s our first and I’m going to miss him.”

Move-in Memories

Residence Life Office students and staff helped issued new students the keys to their dorm rooms.

A crisp, sunny morning offered a rare respite from the more typical heat and humidity of a North Carolina summer. Students and staff volunteers recalled much more trying weather in years past, and shared memories of their own move-in days.

Movers included several men’s basketball coaches and Athletics Director Chris Clunie ’06, who are all Davidson alumni.

Signs around campus welcomed new students and their families.

“It was just my parents and me making multiple trips up and down the stairs of Richardson,” said Matt Williams ’16, a former player and now an assistant coach. “This is so much better.”

Jack Gibbs ’17, another player-turned-assistant coach, remembered his parents dropping him off, and his mom crying.

“That was hard,” Gibbs said, “But it was so exciting to be here getting ready to start my college career.”

And Will Reigel ’12, a third former player-turned-coach, had assistance from a host of upper-class members who became his teammates, including NBA legend Stephen Curry ’10.

It was in 2008, the semester after Curry led the men’s basketball team to the Elite Eight and began his journey into superstardom, Reigel said, “but there he was, helping with the move-in.”

Clunie, who also played basketball at Davidson, kept a rapid unloading, lifting and carrying pace on Wednesday and recalled a much different experience during his move-in day.

“It wasn’t nearly as organized,” he said. “It’s a machine now.”

Helping to make it that way was Lyric Bailey ’26, a cheer team member who greeted the newcomers enthusiastically. It’s her second time as a move-in helper.

 “It feels like summer camp, to cheer for people and welcome them as they get here,” she said. “I want to make it a positive experience for them. I love being able to do that.”

Editor’s note: Here is a short News of Davidson Move-In video

The large Move In Team in front of Watts and Little dorms on Wednesday afternoon.

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