Looking Back on Articles from 2024
Before our eyes turn to 2025, the Editorial Board took a moment to look back at the amazing group of writers who contribute to the pages of News of Davidson.
These are just a very few of our favorites from 2024. Most of the writers you see here are community members; others are on the editorial board. We have brilliant poets. We have a gifted Davidson historian who helps us understand our community from its earliest days. We have a brand new columnist who writes meaningfully about Winks of Goodness. Our theatre critic gives us insightful pieces about local productions. Some writers focus on things that are deeply personal to them; some focus on broader issues facing our community. Represented on this list are stories about people who have had an impact on our lives. These columns might make you laugh or touch you deeply or teach you something new about our wonderful town.
In our town, we are honored by the writing you see in our pages. If we left out your favorite column, please alert us at our email ([email protected]), and we will add it to the list.
Gazebo at The Pines to be Named in Honor of Heather McKee by Marguerite Williams
Winks of Goodness: ‘Tis the Season by Lori K. Tate
Davidson Restaurant Guide by Lyn Batty
How to Bake a Cake by Jennie Clifton
Davidson’s Abundant Wildlife: a Few Stories by Lyn Batty
In the Spotlight: Davidson Film Club by Lyn Batty
Important Sadler Square Update by Editorial Board
America’s Greatest Road Trip by Allyson Ray
To Design Cities Right, We Need to Focus on People by Tim Keane
What the Heck is Kayak Cross by Jane Campbell
Thank-You Notes: To Be or Not To Be by Jean Spangler
Davidson’s Martin Luther King Day by Lyn Batty with photos by Jane Campbell
Photos of Martin Luther King Day Celebration by Jane Campbell
From Helplessness to Hope in the Aftermath of Helene by Ann Campanella
A Big Life in a Small Place by Marguerite WilliamsÂ
History Lost and Found Soon to be Lost Forever by Jane Campbell
Mr. Baseball’s Field of Dreams by Nancy Griffith
The Humans: a Review by Connie Fisher
Gigged, a Poem by Nora Shepard
Today is All You Have, a Poem by Jody Seymour
Davidson Horticultural Symposium XXXviii by Allyson Ray
Help: Good for the Giver and Good for the Receiver by Rodney Graham
The Great Floods of 1916 and 2024 by D.G. Martin
Davidson Housing Coalition Hosts Light the Night Block Party by Lyn Batty