Mighty Mecklenburg

Search for: NEWS Mighty Mecklenburg “Why do you Mecklenburgers always act so high and mighty?” I still get this question every now and then even though I moved away years ago. Last week I remembered the best answer to that question. On March 4, in downtown Charlotte,...

Blowing Rock and Korea in 1950

Search for: NEWS Blowing Rock and Korea in 1950 Count on Ron Rash to use his stories to take his readers on a trip back in time, usually to some place in North Carolina, as he did most famously in his novel “Serena” when he took us to the North Carolina forested...

Losing Great Poets

Search for: NEWS Losing Great Poets Fred Chappell, former North Carolina Poet Laureate and longtime professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. died on January 4 at age 87. To celebrate his contributions, I have revised a column I wrote in 2009 about...