by Ginger Johnson | Dec 20, 2021 | Bottom Left Box, Local, News, The Pines at Davidson
Search for: NEWS Going “Batty” at The Pines Soon after moving to The Pines from Vermont, we became aware of swarms of nasty little black mosquitoes that bit us when we were gardening or chatting with neighbors in our backyard. They were driving us...
by Ginger Johnson | Dec 8, 2021 | Bottom Middle Box, News, Voices of Davidson
Search for: NEWS A Vermonter’s View of Squirrels in Davidson Sitting on my back porch, I have come to enjoy the squirrels who romp in my backyard. Squirrels in Davidson are quite different from our Vermont squirrels. “How so?” you ask? Well,...
by Ginger Johnson | Nov 7, 2021 | News, Voices of Davidson
Search for: NEWS A Vermonter’s View of Davidson “What a splendid morning for a walk downtown!” we said to each other last Saturday. There was a slight chill to the air but the sun was shining brightly and there was a wispy breeze. My husband...