6888 is Well Worth Watching
NEWS I’m borrowing a line from a friend’s social media post: “How old were you when you learned about the 6888?” I replied “Sadly, I was in my 50s.” That’s saying a lot since I spent the majority of my adult life in the military, as well as my childhood in...
Town Fall 2024 Newsletter
NEWS The most recent newsletter from the Town.
Veterans Day Ceremony Honors Service of Local Veterans
NEWS Monday, November 11, at 11:00 a.m., the Town of Davidson commemorated the service and sacrifice of local Veterans at the annual Veterans Day Ceremony. Due to the accurate forecast of rain, this year’s ceremony was held indoors in the Davidson Town Hall...
A College Credit Turned Into a Career in Uniform
NEWS Author: Mark Johnson The words “United States military” evoke images of uniforms. The phrase “men and women in uniform” is a synonym for the Armed Forces. Yet in the spring of 1977, the Davidson College ROTC leadership did not know what to do about a uniform...
Veterans Day Ceremony Moved Indoors
NEWS The Town of Davidson invites community members to join us in commemorating Veterans Day on Monday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m. at the Davidson Town Hall and Community Center Auditorium located at 251 South Street. This is the inclement weather location....