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Farmer Wisdom

  NEWS By: Greg Hartsell, Twin Oak Farm I often get comments after we’ve had a lot of rain along the lines of “We have had a lot of rain the last couple days, but I guess that’s good for your crops.” The reply is always “not necessarily.”  We certainly depend on rain,...

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Davidson Farmers Market

The Davidson Farmer’s Market, Inc. (DFM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Davidson, North Carolina. It is a producer-only, year-round Market featuring more than 35 farmers and local producers from within a 100-mile radius. The Market is a lively gathering place for meeting friends and for learning about food, agriculture, and nutrition. Growers and producers are on hand to answer your questions, from “How was this grown?” to questions about how to prepare and preserve all types of foods.

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